Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to Make Links Open in a New Window

When you're linking to a page on a separate website, it's nice to have it open in a new window so you don't lose people to that site. Learn how to control that with a touch of HTML.

Create an external link to an outside website

Dive straight into the HTML of the page -- Click the icon that looks like a scroll or simply says HTML in little letters.  You'll know you clicked the right spot when your nicely formatted page turns into a mess of garbled HTML.

Find the link that you created.  If the link I created was for the phrase "newspaper" linking to the NY Times (like this: newspaper), I would look for HTML like the following:

Add the following little scrap of code that appears in dark grey to that HTML:  

Sometimes you'll see a target attribute already there like this:  

In that case, just change _self to _blank

That's it!  Hit Save.  When anyone clicks your modified link, it will open in a new window.

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